Tested version - v6.2.11
Price - 120-day free trial, $59.00 to buy
Note - Version 6.2.11 is the newest version available from their website, however they sell openCanvas 7 through Steam (if you want to install/use Steam).
Systems - Windows Vista/7/8.1/10
Official website - http://www.portalgraphics.net/en/oc/
Raster or Vector - Raster
Ease Of Use - Easy to get started, but default shortcuts are a bit different. Help directs to their online help section.
All software is subjective to hardware installed, so with that in mind here is my current workhorse PC (A updated HP Z200 Workstation) specs I used for testing with all updated drivers...
CPU - Intel Core i5 CPU 660 @ 3.33GHz (2 Cores, 4 Threads)
Memory - 12 GB DDR3 total
Graphics - EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti SC (Superclocked GM107) 1 GB (DDR5 memory)
Space - 2.5 TB hard drive disk space
System - Windows 8.1 Pro
Program Speed - Varies but has a bit of lag, the slowest aspect is using the fill tool on any decent sized image.
Once the fill is clicked in a area it takes 0.3 to 2 seconds to fill typically, and shows the spinning mouse icon. Even at it's fastest fill, it still shows the spinning mouse icon (even if only for a split-second).
Page Options - Maximum size is 16.6667" x 16.6667" at 600 dpi, and 33.3333" x 33.3333" at 300 dpi. The resolution is dependent on canvas size (it will adjust it automatically as settings are changed).
There are no crop or bleed options, and not even guides to set them up manually. If you need to use them your best option is to load a template image as a layer, or export the art and set-up the options in another program.
The pages are strictly RGB, and there are no CMYK, Grayscale, or other options anywhere in the program.
File Formats -
- Open - OCI (openCanvas), WPB (openCanvas 1.1), BMP (Bitmap), JPG/JPEG/JPE/JFIF/JFI (JPEG), PNG, PSD (Photoshop Document)
- Save - OCI (openCanvas), BMP (Bitmap), JPG/JPEG/JPE/JFIF/JFI (JPEG), PNG, PSD (Photoshop Document)
Layer Options - 22 Blending options, Protect alpha (lock transparency), Create/Release clipping mask, Lock layer, New layer, Create layer set (layer group folder), Create layer mask, Delete, Duplicate later.
Color Selection - Various color sliders, wheels, a palette window (can create new custom ones), and numerical inputs throughout (which is shown in the first image of the five types/tab). If the tool area color is clicked twice it brings up a more precise window input.
Brush Options - Select a brush preset or make your own. The options available are Roundness, Angle, Size, Minimum size/radius, Opacity, Drawing method (Freehand/Draw line/Draw curve/Draw polyline/Draw rectangle/Draw ellipse/Draw polygon), Stabilization amount (works with graphics tablet or mouse), Anti-alias, Tablet options (Pressure amount, Opacity control, Size control), and Hardness amount.
Common Necessities - Other tools that are primarily tools, and is surprising lacking in some software making it necessary to include them briefly.
Paint Fill - Options include Range, Opacity, All layers, and Anti-alias
Eraser - There are presets, or you can create your own. The options are the same for the brushes explained above.
Image Zoom - Onscreen buttons, keyboard shortcuts, mouse scroll, and menu options including Actual pixels, and Fit to window. Zoom range 3.1% to 3200% Very nice and smooth control.
View Rotate - Multiple onscreen buttons, keyboard shortcuts, menu controls, and can be rotated at any angle in whole numbers.
Selection Tools - Standard rectangle, ellipse, polygon, and lasso variations. Also includes a basic Magic wand selector.
Text/Font Options - Options are Font list, Size, Kerning, Leading, Bold, Italic, Vertical type, Alignment Left/Center/Right, and Color. The text is rather rough/jagged looking and I would not recommend it for lettering.
Drawing Aids - Rulers primarily and are excellently done and easy to adjust. They include Parallel line, Radial line (Starbursts/Focus lines), Concentric circle, and Perspective lines (1, 2, or 3 point perspective). Once the Ruler icon is clicked to edit the ruler the Angle, Opacity, and placement can be altered.
Reference (load reference image for details) with complete zoom/rotate/move options, and a Magnifier loupe window to display a zoomed view of the mouse area, round out the aids.
Extras - Event in the menu to record your most recent drawing. The Event can then be exported as a animated GIF.
Pros -
- No monthly subscription costs
- Great easy to adjust rulers
- Brushes are smooth and fluid
- Coloring with fill while it does great at the task, is rather slow and lags
- Any text lettering appears rough and jagged
- Everything is in individual floating windows that get in the way
- RGB colored images only